PBExpo Aviation Trade Show

Avoid Event Scams

Have a safe PBExpo experience. When in doubt, reach out to our team. 

As the popularity of PBExpo grows, we have seen an increase in malicious activity targeting PBExpo Sponsors, Exhibitors, and Attendees.
Some individuals and organizations may attempt to deceive you by offering unauthorized access to attendee lists or fake hotel bookings related to PBExpo, sometimes making it seem like they are employees or representatives of PartsBase.

How to Protect Your Investment and Reputation 

Please be cautious and vigilant when dealing with any emails or communications related to PBExpo. We urge you to take the following precautions to safeguard your investment and reputation: 

How To Protect

Verify the Email Source

Ensure that any emails you receive regarding PBExpo are sent from legitimate sources. Official communications will only come from addresses ending in @partsbase.com, @pbexpo.org, or @expocci.com. If you receive an email from any other domain, exercise caution and verify its authenticity. 

How To Protect

Avoid Unsolicited Offers

Be cautious of unsolicited offers from unknown sources claiming to provide attendee lists or hotel bookings related to PBExpo. Official information and services can be obtained through the official PBExpo channels. 

How To Protect


PartsBase/PBExpo does not sell attendee lists. This information is kept 100% confidential and can only be accessed by a limited number of high-ranking individuals at the organization. Any offers you receive claiming they have the PBExpo attendee list is nefarious and can result in a scam. 

How To Protect

Always Check with PBExpo Staff

If you receive any suspicious offers or communications, please don't hesitate to contact the PBExpo team directly. We are here to assist you and can verify the legitimacy of any offers you may receive.

Our Commitment to Your Security 

We appreciate your partnership and support in making PBExpo a resounding success. Together, we can ensure a secure and productive experience for all involved. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team. 


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